The Snowdrop Project | A Future Free From Modern Slavery

We are pleased to announce we have given a second grant to The Snowdrop Project for their newest community activity, Little Singing Sessions.

The Snowdrop Project empowers survivors of modern slavery to tackle their many challenges and take control of their futures. Reintegrating into society, finding friendships and learning to trust people again are essential elements in the process of recovery for survivors. Isolation and loneliness can be enormous barriers for survivors. However, they often see drastic improvements in the well-being and confidence of clients and their children after attending our community activities.

Snowdrop aim to remove as many barriers as possible for individuals to participate by offering onsite childcare and contributing to transport costs so clients can enjoy the activity, meet other people and relax.

To date, Little Singing Sessions have happened at the end of Snowdrop’s weekly parent and toddler group meetings. Group singing with parents and toddlers has proven to be very popular and been really helpful for parents and toddlers to develop English language skills.

With funding from our foundation, Snowdrop will be able to offer the sing along sessions as stand-alone groups. The grant will go towards launching a pilot of weekly sessions, which will aim to encourage parents and toddlers to play music, sing along and have fun.

From the sessions Snowdrop hopes to achieve;
- New opportunities for parents and children have to engage with others in a social setting - Support the development of language skills - Prepare the little ones for school by providing a safe place for them to learn how to sit and listen and cooperate with others

“We're really pleased to share that we've recently started a weekly Music & Story Time group for Snowdrop clients and their babies & toddlers . The group will provide an opportunity for our clients' children to learn and play through song and stories We're looking forward to sharing more updates from the group when we can! A big thank you to The Sarah Nulty Power of Music Foundation for helping to fund the group with a grant!” - The Snowdrop Project