Large Grants for 2024 are open for applications!

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our third round of large grants, providing support to impactful projects in the community. You can apply here by midnight on the 23rd March 2024!

In the previous round, Pattern and Push, as well as Bluebell Woods, were the proud recipients of our grants, showcasing their dedication to making a positive impact. Here's a closer look at their outstanding initiatives:

Pattern and Push

Mission: Supporting young aspiring vocalists and musicians facing various vulnerabilities, Pattern and Push focus on creating a positive impact through music.


  • Annual talent competition with workshops and masterclasses.

  • Grassroots stage at Peddler market showcasing local up-and-coming artists.

  • Involvement in major events and platforms such as Tramlines, No Bounds festival, Hope Works venue, and BBC 1Xtra.

  • Workshops in partnership with organizations like the National Literary Trust, including those in prisons for young offenders and homeless charities.

Core Message: Promoting positive themes and messaging in music, steering away from negativity often associated with rap culture.

Grant Usage: £2000 for a refresh, redesign, and print run of Positive Lyric Packs, a tangible tool providing inspiration for positive songwriting to young musicians in prisons and vulnerable groups.

Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Mission: Providing respite, therapies, and opportunities for young people (up to age 25) with life-limiting conditions and their families.

Initiative: "Bluebell Wood-Stock" music festival in September 2024, offering a festival experience for young people and families, featuring live bands and a marquee in the grounds of Bluebell Wood.


  • Allow young people to experience a live music event in a festival atmosphere in a safe place with necessary adaptations.

  • Provide a sensory and social experience through the power of live music.

  • Enable families to participate in a safe and controlled event as a family.

  • Raise the profile of Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice in the media and attract sponsorship from corporations and other charities.

Grant Usage: Supporting the cost of bands and PA equipment for the "Bluebell Wood-Stock" music festival.

Desired Impact: Enriching the lives of over 100 young people and their families, offering a unique and memorable music festival experience.

We are honored to support these impactful projects and look forward to receiving applications for our third round of large grants. Apply now and be a part of positive change in the community!